I know one of my strength is a high level of creativity.
And here's why ...
And here's why ...
As a child you are used to play by using your fantasy and simple things to fulfill your dreams. You are able to see various things and possibbilities just by looking at a drop of colour on a blank white paper. Almost everything is possible.
For me as a designer it is important to take care of the contact with my inner child . Because of this I can discover and see possibilities anywhere. As a grown-up limitations become more obvious and important which can kill your inner child. In my opinion this leads to firms and organisations unable for change, improvement (i do not want to use the buzzword innovation in this case) and development. You cannot play seriously with status quo in mind permanently.
To do papercrafts helps me to train my creativity and children seeing this objects feel happy about them. In fact young children are the best target group to get feedback about your level of creativity. They are honest and communicate in the most direct way of all.
The Spaceship
Object made of paper waste.
Pink Dragon
All you need is a few paper bags, glue, old newspaper and other garbage, tape, pink colour spray and patience ... och of course a kind of creativity.